Requests and terms

PADICAT's selection terms is based on our objectives, that are:

  • Mass compilation of .cat domain.
  • Systematic archiving of the web site production of catalan organizations and companies.
  • Promote research lines by harvesting the web resources of Catalan public life, like political campaigns on the Internet, the music online, or museums on the Internet.

Web sites that may be candidates to incorporate to PADICAT must have three basic terms:

  • A web page identified by a URL or a group of web pages hierarchically linked to a home page identified by a URL.
  • A unit of documentation that is sufficiently recognisable and different from the rest due to its subject matter, authorship or representation of an institution.
  • Have been created in Catalonia or are of interest mainly to the Catalan people.

Everyone can recommend a digital resource to be incorporated into PADICAT. Must send a proposal on the form, that will pass by selection process of resources.