PADICAT adds a theme directory to improve access to the digital heritage


The web of the Padicat project (Digital Heritage of Catalonia), supported by the Biblioteca de Catalunya (National Library of Catalonia), has added a theme directory that allows to widen its searching capabilities and completes the full text search.

In this way, we improve the access of users to the 34 million files in which the digital repository consists, classifying the digital resources in seven fields of knowledge: Culture; Science & Technology; Business; Sports; Health; Society; and Information Society, divided in 72 subjects. The navigation structure is completed with an eighth field dedicated to the special collections about the campaigns of 2006 and 2007 elections.

The new directory takes as a reference world renowned projects, as the UK Web Archive and, as an example, will allow users to acces with two “clics” to the 62 resources classified as Professional associations, to the 60 resources in the subject Local administration or to the 25 digital resources in which the subject Museums, Libraries & Archives consists, among many others.

The new searching interface is completed by a list with all the digital resources in the repository, and with an alphabetic list, which allows to access to different versions of each website.

The Biblioteca de Catalunya initiated the Padicat project in June 2005, to collect and preserve the entire cultural, scientific and general output of Catalonia in digital format. The project has the technological collaboration of the Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya (CESCA) and has a budget of 766.000 euros.